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How to Write a Juicy Blog Post

Copyright 2013, 2014 by Deah Curry PhD

Blogging has become THE primary way to add the steady stream of fresh content to a group or private practice website that Google looks for. It's easy, and persuasive in getting more clients on your schedule.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that a blog post is not an article for a peer reviewed journal. Academic writing, with lots of citations, turn readers off.

Instead, a blog post should be short, breezy, and reflect the personality that your clients will experience from you in session.

Here's what you need to know to get started.

Before You Start Writing

1. Write for the ideal client you want to attract.

2. Write about their pain or problem that they are desperate to solve.

3. Don't lecture. Give info in short focused bites. Bullet points. Anecdotes.

4. Define or infer a problem -- that's your title. Use a keyword in the title to help search engine optimization.

5. Provide 2 or 3 main points to address about the solution — those are your subheads.

Plunge In

6. Write to answer to the title and sub-heads.

7. Make it read fast, friendly, and fun, or at least informative.

8. Don't use professional jargon. Write for a 6th grade reader. Write like your reader talks.

9. Spelling and basic grammar do need to be perfect. (The rest, not so much)

10. Include a call to action at the end of each post -- Example: "If you are struggling with writing and want some help, contact ..... at phone...."

Format for readability:

11. Keep sentences short — 10 words max.

12. Keep paragraphs short — 2-3 sentences max.

13. Double or triple space between paragraphs.

14. Don’t put entire content in italics. It's hard to read.

15. Add links to outside sources when relevant. See more blogging tips here, and also here.

Don’t forget to include a copyright byline at the top of each post. Your writing gains an inherent copyright protection at the moment it is written. No need to file anything anywhere. The example line in this post is enough -- but obviously use the current year and your own name!

Want more help on writing

to attract clients?

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