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Deah Curry PhD

You CAN Thrive as an Introvert - Even in Marketing Your Practice

If you are an introvert, and feeling like there is something wrong with that, this video lesson is for you. Believe me, I know what it's like to prefer and even require alone time. What you'll learn from watching this presentation is that introversion is simply one type of energy management, a different style of processing information.

Introverts can have a particularly difficult time with marketing a private practice. But there are many ways to market that make good use of our introvert style of energy management, and that are just as effective in attracting clients.

One good example of that is the priority these days on content marketing -- that is, using written information such as ebooks or special reports, blogs or even social media messages to offer something of value to your niche audience that persuades them that you are a person they want to work with.

So enjoy the video about being an introvert, and gain confidence in your own energy management style.

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