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Deah's Basics on How to Ezine

I will be bold here and say right up front that ezines aren't necessary.


For psychotherapists, coaches, energy healers, and other solopreneurs with basically nothing to sell but time, they are not the first marketing method I recommend for getting new clients.




Ezines are great for:


  • providing resources to current clients

  • encouraging former clients to return for services

  • reminding clients to refer to you, if you allow that

  • providing seasonal tips as a public service

  • occasionally providing a special offer service

  • taking a survey to learn more about your ideal niche

  • announcing your workshops, new books, and speaking gigs


How to Get Ezine Subscribers


The best way to get new ezine subscribers is to offer a give-away info product / special report, and note that they will get your ezine as an additional bonus.  This means writing the info product first, and then promoting its existence on social media and on your site and blog.


Along with this is having a sign up box -- technically called an opt-in form -- in a prominent location or two on your website. And if possible having a subscription tool on your Facebook business page.


Another way to get ezine subscribers if you do public appearances at health fairs or psychic fairs, etc., is to have a sign up sheet at your table.  A more private alternative to that is to have fishbowl or dish for people to drop their business card for a chance of some free prize.


And don't forget to ask for permission to send occasional emails in your intake forms.


When you send out your ezine, be sure to include an easy way for recipients to forward it to their friends. And then post a link to the ezine online on your social media accounts with a call to action to sign up and never miss an edition. 


When to Send an Ezine


The conventional advice is to send an ezine every week. Few of us do that, mostly because it is labor intensive. Every other week is a common frequency, but still a lot of work for a one-person practice without admin help.


Some solo practitioners who are promoting free trainings that sell services do tend to send ezines several times a month. Their emails are not as informative as they are promotional, and are highly targeted to get attendees into their trainings to be a captive audience for a sales pitch.


The rest of us tend to send ezines when we have something of relevance and helpfulness to convey to our subscribers.


The general principle is to send your ezine often enough that it is welcomed and looked forward to for its great advice, but not so often as to be annoying.  You'll know when it's annoying by the number of unsubscribes you get, and the number of people who simply don't open your email on a consistent basis. For the latter, it is best to purge them from your active mailing list.


Why Segment Your Mailing List


It can be very useful when you have several primary ideal client niches to segment your email list so that your ezines can be very specific to each interest.  


Singles with depression may quickly unsubscribe to your ezine if you frequently send them content on parenting or addiction, for example. Couples may not want info on career counseling, and parents of toddlers aren't yet interested in the relationship problems of borderline personalities.


In other words, the best results come from knowing your your audience is, what they are struggling with, and providing timely and relevant information that will help them make today a little easier until they can get in to see you for the deeper work.


Need more help with crafting your ezine?  Email for a consult -- I'll help you get a clear focus and we'll brainstorm a half dozen content topics.

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